Immersion Planning

This information is for immersion week host organisations


Immersion weeks are 3-4 day residential events co-organised by HDRUK with a Host Organisation. The purpose of the immersion week is to introduce specific themes, topics or real-world challenges of importance in health data science to PhD students within the environment in which problem holders are based.


Each immersion week will consist of between 6-12 HDRUK PhD students with further external non-HDRUK PhD students recruited where Host organisation agreed and can support the numbers. Students will predominantly be in their first year of doctoral studies.


Host organisations are free to choose event content and delivery style but are advised to consult HDRUK in case of overlap (e.g. Host wants to provide an introduction to survival analysis but participants have previously been introduced to survival analysis through previous studies).

Examples of content from previous past events include:

  • Introductory lectures which are used to explain new concepts and methods,
  • Site tours where relevant physical examination of facilities and environments is useful,
  • Computational exercises including small data analysis or programming tasks,
  • Student-led research activities where students are direct to conduct short research pieces,
  • Group-based activities including reading groups.
  • Interactive discussions with experts.
  • Careers-related discussions.

Participant Information

Participating students can be assumed to have graduate-level competencies in mathematics and computing. No prior experience in the life or medical sciences can be assumed.

Further connections

Hosts are encouraged to engage with HDRUK students and to offer suggestions for further direct collaborations. This could be via:

  1. Short 3-6 month individual or groups projects as part of the HDRUK PhD training programme.
  2. Internships as formal employees or members of Host organisations.
  3. Full PhD research collaborations.

HDRUK PhD students have considerable autonomy over their training programme in Year 1 and are able to take on project work throughout Year 1 but particularly during the period June-September at the end of their first year when there is no programmed content.

Event Information

Hosts will be required to provide the following information during the development and delivery of the immersion :

Item Description
Lead Contact Name and contact details of person(s) responsible for the design and delivery of the immersion week at the Host.
Event Location The location of the immersion week.
Access Information Hosts will be required to provide information regarding access to the event (e.g. security passes) including that relevant to any participants who may have access requirements. Any local transport information would also be appreciated particularly where there are no normal public transport routes.
Background reading If relevant, prior reading and literature should be provided at least two weeks prior to the immersion week.
On-site protocols Hosts should alert HDRUK to any health & safety requirements and procedures related to the event. It is assumed that most immersion weeks will consist of office- or lecture room-based activities. Hosts should provide HDRUK with information about any clinical, laboratory or outdoor activities that maybe involved.


All travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for HDRUK PhD students are provided for by HDRUK. Non-HDRUK participants will be supported under different arrangement.

Hosts will bear no responsibility for arranging or financially supporting travel, accommodation and subsistence for participants. Hosts will provide the knowledge, expertise and time required for the running and delivery of the immersion week at no charge to HDRUK or participants unless by prior arrangement.

Expected Timelines

Time Milestone
At least 3 months before event Agreement in principle between Host and HDRUK to deliver the immmersion week
At least 6 weeks before event Host to agree high-level training themes with HDRUK to advertise for any external participants.
At least 3 weeks before event Host to provide draft agenda. HDRUK to arrange travel and accommodation.
At least 1 week before event HDRUK to provide final participant list to Host. Host to provide final agenda and meeting information.

Planning flowchart

Immersion Planning Diagram

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