Transition Fund

Table of contents

  1. Background
    1. Requirements
    2. Wellcome Priorities
  2. About the Transition Fund
    1. What you will need?
    2. What is available?
    3. Will there be challenges?
    4. Do I have to use my transition fund?
    5. What project ideas do you suggest and who can help me?
    6. Timelines
  3. How to apply
  4. What happens after you submit?


Wellcome provides a transition fund as part of its PhD Programmes in Basic Science. These transition funds are designed to support PhD students, who have approached the end of their studies, to examine and develop their future career opportunities.


The minimum requirements for transition activities to meet the following points:

  • Aligned to Wellcome’s broad mission (see further details below).
  • Time-bound (not permanent or in place of a permanent/advertised post).
  • Driven by students’ career aspirations.
  • Designed around a specific task, e.g. developing a skill, undertaking particular training, obtaining pilot data.
  • Generally expected to be undertaken post-submission.
  • Would not provide additional salary if a position provides salary comparable to the starting salary for an RA position. If the proposed salary for a transition activity is lower than the starting salary for an RA post, a programme can apply top-up funding at its discretion so that the student is not financially disadvantaged compared to peers.

The fund is not for the PhD supervisor to allocate according to their priorities and it is expected that you will use the transition fund to set up experiences that go beyond your PhD studies.

Wellcome Priorities

Wellcome is working towards a world in which:

  • No one is held back by mental health problems
  • Global heating does not harm health in the communities it affects most
  • Escalating infectious diseases are under control in the communities most affected
  • Significant shifts in understanding lead to improved human health

Diversity & inclusion, and research culture are central to our strategy and will be embedded into the work we fund and do. It is a legal requirement for all of Wellcome’s funding to align to our broad charitable mission. Wellcome supports science to solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone. We support a broad programme of discovery research as well as public engagement and policy & advocacy.

About the Transition Fund

What you will need?

To apply for use of the transition fund, you will need a project with a host organisation. There is no predetermined host organisation type, but it is expected that the host organisation will likely be engaged with research endeavours aligned to Wellcome’s priorities as above. There are practical considerations as some organisations may not be eligible to receive funds from HDR UK.

HDRUK have created a support letter to help you in your search for opportunities. This will be sent to you at the start of Year 4.

What is available?

The transition fund for each individual student is £36,000. This budget can be used to support employers’ contributions and London weighting for London programmes. There is no contribution to host organisation overheads and other indirect costs.

Additional funding from host organisations is welcomed to supplement the Transition Fund awards but is not expected or required except in the case where it would be unreasonable for the placement to occur without additional support (e.g. high local living costs) or where the salary would be below reasonably acceptable limits (e.g. living wage).

Costs are still subject to Wellcome’s usual spending conditions (see Wellcome Costs Grantholders can Claim).

Will there be challenges?

There are several complex challenges, including legal and tax issues, as you will be undertaking this transition placements after your PhD submission. At this point you will normally not be considered a full-time student at your university. We therefore cannot guarantee that the implementation of your proposal will be successful, but we wish to work with you to give your plans the best possible chance of succeeding. If you plan to carry out work outside of the UK and/or require a visa to work in the country of your host organisation, this will bring additional complexity.

Do I have to use my transition fund?

You are not required to utilise your transition fund. You may decide to enter directly into your next employment or training opportunity. However, the transition fund could provide a mechanism for once-in-a-lifetime type short-term opportunities before you settle on your next career steps.

What project ideas do you suggest and who can help me?

As part of the HDR UK programme, you are fortunate as HDRUK can provide a fully impartial perspective on the use of your transition funds. In contrast, your universities may be somewhat incentivised to convince you to stay on using these funds for longer! The sooner you tell us what you might be interested in doing, the sooner we can assist and potentially open doors for you.

Potential example activities include:

  • Postdoctoral research placements
  • Placements at non-government organisations or charities
  • Health and Social Care work experience
  • Commercial research internships
  • Substantive Skills Development and Training courses (including formal degrees)
  • Business development

Activities that are unlikely to be suitable:

  • Remaining in the same group/department as you did your PhD to conduct a new project.
  • Non-research related activities (note that policy work or training that enables or has the potential to enrich research activity is allowed).

Activities that the fund cannot be used for:

  • Continuation of the PhD research period.
  • Writing up PhD thesis and/or associated research papers.


You must submit proposals at least three months prior to your PhD thesis submission. Note that the successful implementation of your plans will increase the earlier you submit your proposal:

  1. Proposals can be submitted up to 9 months prior to your thesis submission.

  2. The start of spend must occur within 3 months following your PhD thesis submission.

  3. The project should normally be completed within 12 months following your PhD thesis submission.

Note that your PhD thesis submission should not exceed 48 months after your PhD start date as per your studentship conditions (accounting for any approved study interruptions).

How to apply

You should send the following information to HDRUK using the headings outlined below ( A Word document template is available in the Student Area of Box (Download Template Link):

Applicant Details

Your name: Proposed doctoral thesis submission date:

Proposed Host Organisation Details

Name: Business address: Contact name: Contact e-mail:

Has the host organisation confirmed their willingness to host you? Y/N

  • If yes, please provide letters of confirmation.

Does the host organisation intend to employ you for the duration of the project? Y/N

  • If yes to either of these, please provide a supporting letter with your application.
  • If no, please explain the proposed nature of the engagement with the host.

Will the host organisation provide any additional funding for the opportunity? Y/N

  • If yes, please detail below:

Will you require a visa to work at the host organisation? Y/N

About the project [up to 800 words]

Proposed start date:

Project duration (must not exceed nine months):

You should describe:

  • How the project aligns to Wellcome’s priorities and the requirements of the transition fund.
  • How the project aligns to your doctoral studies.
  • Your role in the project.
  • The role of the host organisation in the project and why this is a suitable host.
  • The outputs of the projects and the outcomes you wish to realise.

Costing and Justification [up to 400 words]


National Insurance:

Employer’s contributions:

Other expenses (detail below):

  • Training
  • Computing equipment
  • Data access fees
  • Conference attendance
  • Immigration fees

Total cost:

Detail your justification of costs below:

What happens after you submit?

  1. Your proposal will be checked for its initial eligibility for the Transition Fund.
  2. Your proposed host will be contacted to verify their interest.
  3. HDR UK will assess whether the proposal is consistent with the conditions of the Transition Fund and indicate where a proposal may not be suitable and suggest revisions or that an alternate proposal be developed.
  4. If an eligible proposal is put forward, HDR UK will then examine the potential challenges in implementing your proposal and may suggest modifications to make it feasible with you and your host organisation.
  5. If the proposal is deemed proceedable following any modifications, HDR UK will set up the necessary contractual agreements with you and your host organisation to enable the placement to proceed by the proposed start date.
  6. If the proposal is deemed not proceedable, you will be invited to submit a new proposal if there is sufficient time to do so.

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