Programme Timetable (2023/24)

All events are available on the HDRUK PhD Programme Google Calendar which contains Zoom links.


Date Time Organiser Event
27 Sep 12:00-21:00 Yau Link to details

Lunchtime Seminar Series

Date Time Organiser Event
tbc 12:00-13:00 Yau Modelling & Inference Masterclass Part 1
tbc 12:00-13:00 Yau Modelling & Inference Masterclass Part 2


Date Time Organiser Event
tbc 11:00-12:30 HDR UK Choosing your PhD projects
tbc 11:00-13:00 HDR UK How to write a research proposal?
tbc 11:00-13:00 HDR UK How to avoid jargon? Writing a good lay summary

Immersion Weeks

Dates Event Organiser Notes
15-16 Nov 12:00-21:00 Yau Big Data Institute, Oxford
27-28 Feb - Yau CRUK Data-driven cancer research conference, Manchester
19-20 Mar - Yau AIUK 2024, London


Unless otherwise specified accommodation for all residential training events will be booked in advanced by HDR UK for all students who do not normally reside in the town or city where the event is being hosted, i.e. Manchester students would not be booked accommodation for an Immersion Week in Manchester.

Travel to and from your normal place of residence for residential training events can be claimed via your university or HDR UK. All travel associated with your training event can also be reclaimed.

A maximum of £40 can be claimed for a full day of subsistence (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

PhD Proposals

Date Event Description
Nov 2023 PPIE workshop Workshop on communicating your science to the public.
Feb 2024 Proposal development workshop Workshop on project proposal development. How to identify supervisors and choose projects.
2 July 2024 Initial Submission Submission of first proposal (all students except Oxford)
11-15 July 2024 First Review Each student will attend an academic review panel
14 August 2024 Revision Submission If required, proposal revision to be submitted. First review deadline for Oxford students.
1-2 September 2024 Final Review Second academic review of revised proposals following any corrections. This will be the only review for Oxford students.
12-13 September 2024 (tbc) Public Review Students to present proposals to a Public-Patient review panel.
26 September 2024 (tbc) Final Submission Final deadline for PhD proposal submission and supervisor confirmation (including on WT Grants system if required).
30 September 2024 (tbc) HDRUK Sign-off Submission of projects to Wellcome (for Wellcome-funded students).


  1. Oxford-based students can also use the “Initial submission” deadline and follow the same timeline as other students.

  2. FAILURE to meet the proposal submission deadline without good reason can lead to the termination of your studentship.

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