Director of Studies Allocations

Table of contents

  1. About the Director of Studies
  2. Allocations

About the Director of Studies

The role of the Director of Studies (DoS) is to support you personally through your studies from HDR UK. This can include both academic and non-academic issues. They can provide impartial advice distinct from your university support systems as well as be the direct contact for matters concerning HDR UK. They are normally responsible for monitoring your progression through your studies.

If you require advice on anything that might be affecting your studies, your current research or future ambitions, please contact your DoS.

Director of Studies will normally be one of the HDRUK PhD Programme Directors but other support maybe offer based on individual circumstances.


The following are the Director of Studies allocations for each student. We try to match based on a combination of geographical location, research interests and impartiality factors.

If you would like to change your DoS, please contact

Student Cohort DoS WT Grant Tracker
Coffey 2020 Yau Y
Whitfield 2020 Yau Y
Zhang 2020 Yau Y
Falck 2020 Yau Y
Brind 2020 Yau N
Withnell 2020 Yau Y
Wang 2020 Yau N
Roskams-Hieter 2021 Yau N
Chislett 2021 Manolopoulou N
Wambua 2021 Yau N
Wells 2021 Manolopoulou Y
Jiang 2021 Yau Y
Hong 2021 Little Y
Benitez-Aurioles 2021 Little N
Mayet 2021 Little Y
Siemek 2021 Manolopoulou Y
Fletcher 2022 Manolopoulou Y
Uppal 2022 Little Y
Gao 2022 Little N
Lee 2022 Yau Y
Mao 2022 Little N
Oliver 2022 Manolopoulou Y
Rodriguez 2022 Manolopoulou Y
Cornett 2023 Yau Y
Li 2023 Yau Y
Dickson 2023 Manolopoulou Y
Wang 2023 Manolopoulou Y
Issa 2023 Yau Y

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